Most programming languages provide a way to define static methods. We all know what they are: functions of a class that can be globally invoked, without requiring an instance of that class. They do really sound handy, but the reality is different.
Let's have a look at the following code:
public class Person {
static public boolean isSocialNumberValid(String socialNumber){
// TODO: Check for valid prefixes and suffixes
return socialNumber.length() == 9 &&
Character.isLetter(socialNumber.charAt(0)) &&
Character.isLetter(socialNumber.charAt(1)) &&
Character.isDigit(socialNumber.charAt(2)) &&
Character.isDigit(socialNumber.charAt(3)) &&
Character.isDigit(socialNumber.charAt(4)) &&
Character.isDigit(socialNumber.charAt(5)) &&
Character.isDigit(socialNumber.charAt(6)) &&
Character.isDigit(socialNumber.charAt(7)) &&
The class Person provides a static method to check if a given string is a valid social number (the UK National Insurance Number). This method looks so useful that we're tempted to use it literally everywhere while developing an hypothetical management system for the public entities. It will soon become a weakness in that system.
Static methods kill OO's polymorphism
If we sold the system also to the US public entities we would need to extend that method but we can't because it's static. The only workaround to avoid changing every single call to that function, is to support both UK NIN and US Social Security Number, resulting in the following bad-looking code:
public class Person {
static public boolean isSocialNumberValid(String socialNumber){
return isUkNin(socialNumber) || isUsSsn(socialNumber);
static private boolean isUkNin(String socialNumber) {
// TODO: Check for valid prefixes and suffixes
return socialNumber.length() == 9 &&
Character.isLetter(socialNumber.charAt(0)) &&
Character.isLetter(socialNumber.charAt(1)) &&
Character.isDigit(socialNumber.charAt(2)) &&
Character.isDigit(socialNumber.charAt(3)) &&
Character.isDigit(socialNumber.charAt(4)) &&
Character.isDigit(socialNumber.charAt(5)) &&
Character.isDigit(socialNumber.charAt(6)) &&
Character.isDigit(socialNumber.charAt(7)) &&
static private boolean isUsSsn(String socialNumber) {
return socialNumber.length() == 9 &&
Character.isDigit(socialNumber.charAt(0)) &&
Character.isDigit(socialNumber.charAt(1)) &&
Character.isDigit(socialNumber.charAt(2)) &&
Character.isDigit(socialNumber.charAt(3)) &&
Character.isDigit(socialNumber.charAt(4)) &&
Character.isDigit(socialNumber.charAt(5)) &&
Character.isDigit(socialNumber.charAt(6)) &&
Character.isDigit(socialNumber.charAt(7)) &&
Static method shouldn't exist at all
Static methods can be invoked without an instance of the class they are declared into. This means that they don't deal with objects of that class, hence they shouldn't be part of the class at all. An exception might be factory methods because they create instances of that class. However not even they should be static, because we won't never be able to leverage polymorphism to change the way those instances are created.
They hide dependencies
Take a look at the following method:
public class Database {
public Person createPerson(String name, String address) {
Person p = new Person();
return p;
It looks very clear. We call Database.createPerson() passing the name and the address of a person and it will create a new Person object, save it into the database and return the new instance. It's really that trivial, is it? It isn't! Someone didn't know that static methods are evil and wrote the following code:
public class Person {
public void setAddress(String address) {
this.address = address;
this.latlon = GoogleGeoCoder.convertAddress(address);
The usage of the static method GoogleGeoCoder.convertAddress() is hiding the important fact that Database depends on GoogleGeoCoder!
The Singleton anti-pattern
The only way to obtain the instance of a Singleton, is to invoke the usual getInstance() static method. Hence, Singletons have the very same issues that static methods have:
- They can't be extended: If GoogleGeoCoder was a Singleton and we called GoogleGeoCoder.getInstance(), then we would always obtain an instance of a GoogleGeoCoder; never one of its subclasses.
- Singletons can be hidden everywhere, even behind the most innocent API like Person.setAddress().
They make testing difficult
This is another big problem caused by static methods and singletons. We can't easily replace the real implementation with a fake one, as discussed in previous posts. This makes our life more complicated while testing.
The new operator is a static method
It might not be that evident but the lesser we use the new operator, the better it is. Let's look at the following snippet of code:
public class UserRegistrationController { public void register(String email, String password) { User user = new User(); user.setEmail(email); user.setPassword(password); _db.createUser(user); sendWelcomeMessage(user) } private void sendWelcomeMessage(User u) { Email email = new Email();; email.setSubject("Welcome"); email.setBody("Welcome!"); _emailSender.send(email); } }
Because of the new operator, UserRegistrationController is tightly coupled with Email. If we wanted to send an SMS or invoke a social network API to send a private message we would need to write two new functions and stick some if to choose which type of welcome message to send.
Not all the new operators are equivalent
In fact, new Email() is a new operator we really want to remove; because of it UserRegistrationController depends on both the Email and some sort of EmailSender. There is no real need for this. It would be better if it depended only on one more abstract Notifier. On the other hand, new User() isn't harmful because User belongs to the application's domain.Use factory objects but remember the Law of Demeter
Many of the new operators can be replaced by factory objects which would provide more extensibility and maintainability. However, keep in mind the Law of Demeter. In the following code we use an EmailFactory to create the welcome email, which the EmailSender will send:
public class UserRegistrationController {
public void register(String email, String password) {
User user = new User();
Email email = _emailFactory.welcomeEmail(user);
Static method shouldn't exist at all - This is just not good advice. Static data and methods can be a very powerful tool when used correctly. They solve a problem created by bad language design in forced object oriented systems like Java and C#. The example provided by social security numbers is an example where it does cause problems. I submit the following C++ code as an example where a static method is great way to handle a problem.
ReplyDelete// Private Per Instance Internal Message Handler
LRESULT D3D11Window::MessageHandler( HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
HDC hdc;
case WM_PAINT:
hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
return 0;
// Static Helper Functions
LRESULT CALLBACK D3D11Window::MessageLoopCallback( HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
return m_mapOfHandlesToThisPointers[hWnd]->MessageHandler(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
// Static Data Members
std::map D3D11Window::m_mapOfHandlesToThisPointers;
Hi Greg, thank you for your comment.
DeleteI believe that there are cases where static methods are harmless. Your example might be one of these cases. One other example might also be java Math class where you can invoke Math.sqrt(); this static method doesn't harm neither, because there's nothing beyond sqrt().
However, I believe that even if static methods didn't exist we would have anyway solved our issues. This means that they're not essential. So it's a good practice avoiding static methods as much as possible, because they're likely to introduce more pitfalls than benefits.
All a static method is just a method without an implicit this pointer. This doesn't seem like all that big a deal but without static methods we would have a chicken and egg problem. If no objects exist because they haven't been created any yet what this pointer do we pass to the method that we invoke to create the object. This is why the new operator is a static method. It removes the this pointer requirement and allows us to have things like entry points and the ability to create objects. I feel that instead of just telling people never to use them better education about why they have to exist and proper context in which to use them is more helpful. Yes you can break encapsulation using static methods but you can also break encapsulation with things like Init functions and refresh functions in classes. Static methods when used correctly help to keep objects well encapsulated,